IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

MAC Filtering (MCF)

This chapter describes MAC Filtering (MCF) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MCF.001 MCF enbl

Long Syntax: MCF.001 MAC Filtering enabled

Description: The MAC Filtering database has been enabled.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MCF.002 MCF dsbl

Long Syntax: MCF.002 MAC Filtering disabled

Description: The MAC Filtering database has been disabled.



Short Syntax: MCF.003 MCF init-err no mem

Long Syntax: MCF.003 MAC Filtering no memory for initialization

Description: The MAC Filtering database initialization has failed to allocate memory for the MAC Filter Control structures.

Cause: Insufficient memory to support this configuration.

Action: Change configuration to reduce memory consumption. May require additional physical memory.



Short Syntax: MCF.004 MCF init-err bd ifc nmbr - filter_intf

Long Syntax: MCF.004 MAC Filtering bad interface number filter_intf given in initialization

Description: The MAC Filtering database initialization has a non-existent interface configured with a filter.

Cause: The user has configured a trap for an interface which does not exist.

Action: Delete the erroneous trap or add the interface to which it is assigned.



Short Syntax: MCF.005 MCF init-err gen flt db

Long Syntax: MCF.005 MAC Filtering database initialization error

Description: The MAC Filtering database initialization has encountered an error in creating the filter database.

Cause: Insufficient memory to support this configuration.

Action: Change configuration to reduce memory consumption. May require additional physical memory.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MCF.006 MCF add filt at name ok

Long Syntax: MCF.006 MAC Filtering initialized filter at name successfully

Description: The MAC Filter configured on at the given direction and interface has been successfully initialized and is in effect.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MCF.007 flt filter exc frm source-> dest, nt network int intname/ intnum

Long Syntax: MCF.007 MAC Filter filter excludes frame source-> dest, network network interface intname/ intnum

Description: The specified MAC Filter has matched a frame on the given direction and interface. The frame was excluded from further processing.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MCF.008 flt filter inc frm source-> dest, nt network int intname/ intnum

Long Syntax: MCF.008 MAC Filter filter includes frame source-> dest, network network interface intname/ intnum

Description: The specified MAC Filter has matched a frame on the given direction and interface. The frame was included in further processing.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MCF.009 flt filter tag( tag) frm source-> dest, nt network int intname/ intnum

Long Syntax: MCF.009 MAC Filter filter tags( tag) frame source-> dest, network network interface intname/ intnum

Description: The specified MAC Filter has matched a frame on the given direction and interface. The frame was filtered according to the configured action.

Panic mcfimem 

Short Syntax: MCF init fail, no mem

Description: The MAC Filtering initialization failed to allocate sufficient memory to complete initialization.

Action: Contact customer service.

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